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Balancing Rocks

The Sacred Harmony journey began with a urgency to bring wellbeing to the community at an unprecedented time in our society. During the pandemic, we realized that modern day life pushes towards individualism. We have created ourselves into islands with no real connection of support and collaboration. We knew that building community is more important now than ever before. By going back to communal roots we will redefine our future. 


Our community view of wellness encompasses our mental, emotional, physical, energetic, and spiritual health. We believe that being united with healers of all paths will bring more folks to a deeper level of wholeness and harmony. Therefore, elevating the community in the process. It was important for us to have a central, easily accessible location that can be reached by car, bike, public transportation, or foot. 


Our name reflects our belief that there is a sacredness to acknowledging the divine in each other and loving one another without assumptions and conditions. We reach this transformation by valuing the necessity of a diversification of voices, backgrounds, and experiences to achieve a one harmonious voice for wellbeing. 


We welcome you on this journey as we grow together. The Sacred Harmony Community is one of love, acceptance, and gratitude for both the individual and the collective. Our standard for care will always be a collaborative approach within our Center and also with other external resources and practitioners in the area.


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