Soul Services
Have you ever wanted to know more about who you are or what you have to offer this world and others around you?
Have you ever felt stuck and not known which direction you need to be going within your life?
Then a soul essence reading or Soul Realignment might help support you on this journey! To get started, get in touch with us!
Soul Essence Reading
Your Soul Essence Reading is a peek into the gift(s) that you were given to share with this world. We are all created with a unique blueprint of who we are, and how we are supposed to express ourselves in this life. Through traumas, programs, belief systems, as well as current and past karmic patterns, we might find it hard to connect with that piece of us.
In your Soul Essence Reading, you will learn what gift(s) you were created with and what that gift(s) looks like when you’re in alignment and what it might look like if you’re out of alignment. We will talk about how to bring yourself back into alignment if you’re finding it hard to connect with that piece of you. When you are in full alignment with your essence it is much easier to tap into your vital force energy, which is your direct connection with Source. Connecting with this energy allows you to manifest more abundance in your life.
You can also do a Soul Essence Reading to learn about your immediate family members to help improve connection and understanding at the soul level.
A Soul Essence Reading is done over the phone so it can be recorded and sent to you the same day.
Each session in about 30 minutes in length and the cost is $75
*Discounts will be given for multiple family members in a Reading,​

Soul Realignment Reading
In a full soul realignment session we will dive much deeper into your soul essence and any karmic blocks that may have occurred in the past or present life experiences. These karmic blocks can still be affecting your present life, making it difficult for you to receive the vital force energy. Our vital force energy is the creative energy we get directly from Source; it’s our ability to feel really connected to our intuition and guidance from the universe.
You will also be given homework to help support you with clearing these karmic blocks out of your Akashic record so that vital force energy can flow easier and you can connect with your soul gift with much more clarity and ease.
A Soul Realignment session is done over the phone so it can be recorded and sent to you the same day.
Each session in about 90 minutes in length and the cost is $333​
